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Roles and Services

For program planning and implementation, GPU’s roles and services may include the following responsibilities for health, education, and/or rehabilitation program and policy development plus monitoring and evaluation:
Why Capacity Building through Web-based, Mobile and Blended Learning Program Development?
- To affect systems strengthening and change on a public health, rehabilitation, healthcare service delivery, education, and/or civic issues of shared concern to policymakers, professionals, and consumers
- To build Communities of Practice: qualified health, education, rehabilitation, and civic personnel and their knowledge and effectiveness by disseminating and applying evidence-based and preferred practices that are culturally relevant
- To interlink and connect the multiple, often disconnected entities and individuals for knowledge sharing in a sustainable and scalable milieu
- To inculcate learning and new skills for individuals, organizations, agencies, or governments to meet shared goals and attain desired outcomes
Creating effective partnerships and linking virtual communities of practice improves global understanding, knowledge exchange and mitigates ‘brain drain’ flow, fostering capacity building and telepractices across geographic boundaries.
GlobalPartnersUnited (GPU) staff and consortium partners provide project infrastructure in collaboration with in country partners, government ministries, consortium agencies, and inter-agency individual collaborators.
For program planning and implementation, GPU’s and GtRI’s roles and services may include the following responsibilities and strategies for health, education, and/or rehabilitation program and policy development, monitoring and evaluation:
- Subject expertise for training and course development
- Identification and coordination of additional subject matter faculty experts for curriculum development, teaching, mentoring, and ongoing consultation
- Consensus building for program curricula design
- Course and program offerings for specialty certification
- Technology advising and construction for telemedicine, telepractices, and telerehabilitation plus distance education, on site workshops, virtual synchronous and asynchronous course preparation
- Building virtual Communities of Practice, Leadership, and Advocacy
- Consultation on training program delivery models
- Online course optimization, implementation, and hosting
- Course design preparation and implementation
- Archiving of course content
- Translating for culturally competent teaching and mentoring
- Liaison relationship building among external partners
- Qualitative and quantitative monitoring and evaluation design and conduct for assessment of program progress, outcomes, outcomes trends analyses, efficiency and effectiveness.
- Construct of essential evaluations for self-correction, accountability, transparency
- Expert consultation in Internet cultural competencies, social networking and web 2.0 technologies, program outcomes and social networking research, related media (DVD, video and CD) production.
- Program reporting for progress and evaluation purposes
- Budget preparation, management and reporting
- Authoring and dissemination of project progress and outcomes via authoring of reports, articles for professional and lay publications, presentations at conferences, and website postings.
“Today there are approximately 5 billion mobile devices in use around the world.Close to two-thirds of them are in the hands of people living in emerging market economies.
Mobile phones have the ability to dramatically change the lives of those who use them, including healthcare providers.
From the mHealth Alliance
© May 2010