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GlobalPartnersUnited - Our Vision & Purpose

A social enterprise organization, GlobalPartnersUnited (GPU) and its Global teleRehabilitation Institute, create innovative public-private alliances committed to brain ‘gain’ and capacity building, systems strengthening, and telepractices targeting underserved populations in low- and middle-resourced countries and developed countries.
By harnessing 21st century Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) — applying online and mobile hybrid learning models, telepractices, social media, and traditional international development tools and strategies— GPU combines a wide range of its partners’ subject expertise to enhance sustainable and scalable program development and dissemination to implement Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the tenets of international human rights treaties. Among GPU’s goals are ….
- Capacity building in countries lacking sufficient qualified healthcare, education, (re)habilitation, public health, and civic personnel;
- Disseminating evidence-based practices for cost-effective, quality public health, health care delivery, education, and rehabilitation for related human and social capital resource growth and policy development;
- Building on site and virtual Communities of Practice (CoPs), Mentoring, Leadership, and Advocacy as well as related peer support networks to improve knowledge exchange and transfer, access to subject expert and peer resources, and global resources and communication;
- Mitigating geographic barriers to subject experts and peers; and
Providing ready access to evidence-based knowledge, skills, and mentoring by establishing ‘twinning’ centers of excellence and telepractice networks.
“This is not about a few pilots…but about galvanizing transformational change….This is going to take big ideas with some risk taking.”Interview with Judith Rodin
President, Rockefeller Foundation
The eHealth Connection: ICT and the Developing World
Journal of Health Affairs, Nov-Dec’08
Telepractices, Telerehabilitation and Telemedicine
GlobalPartnersUnited embraces a range of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) to improve access to health, rehabilitation, and education specialists, knowledge, and resources.
By combining ICT applications with traditional international development approaches, GPU expedites forming needed connections to strengthen and build systems within and across countries and regions—connections needed to reduce disparities in access to critical evidence-based practices, specialists, and peer mentors.
GPU Consortium & Alliances
GlobalPartnersUnited (GPU) leadership and consortium partners bring credentials and seasoned experience to provide project infrastructure for curricula development, teaching, consultation, mentoring, and/or service delivery.
Project formulation and implementation emphasizes collaboration with in country NGO, PVO, DPO civil society partners, government ministries, public and private sector, consortium agencies, healthcare facilities, schools, institutions of higher education, and related individual collaborators.
GPU Program, Policy and Technology Domains
The GlobalPartnersUnited and GtRI consortium alliance contains expertise that spans a broad range of program, technology and policy domains prioritized to address select Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and related tenets of UN Human Rights treaties.
Telemedicine, Telerehabilitation, and Telepractices
- Satellite and Terrestrial Broadband Solutions
- E- and Mobile Health Infrastructure Installation
- Instructional Design, E-and Adult Learning, and Web Portal Development
Disability Program, Policy, and (Re)Habilitation
- Prosthetic, Assistive, and Adaptive Technologies
- Universal Design & Accessibility Standards Implementation
Inclusive Early Childhood, Primary and Special Education
- Teacher Training, Policy and Program Development
- Literacy Development and the Media
Public Health
- Maternal and Child Health
- Community-based Health Care Systems Strengthening
Mental Health
- Children and Families
Youth, Disabled Persons and Women Development and Empowerment
- Leadership, Advocacy & Negotiations
- Rights-based Governance and Societal Inclusion