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Who We Are
GlobalPartnersUnited (GPU) leadership and consortium partners bring credentials and seasoned experience to develop and implement project infrastructure for curricula development, teaching, consultation, mentoring, and/or service delivery. In collaboration with in country NGO, PVO, DPO civil society partners, government ministries, consortium agencies, private sector, healthcare facilities, schools, institutions of higher education, and individual collaborators, GPU offers on site and technology-supported capacity building, systems change, and/or service delivery.
GPU Leadership
Founder and CEO, Evelyn Cherow, brings decades of experience facilitating the development and dissemination of evidence-based practices in health, education, and rehabilitation sectors both nationally and internationally. She initiated national distance education for professional development via communications technologies in the mid-80s and created states' system change through e-learning and establishing virtual Communities of Practice when directing a Congressionally-funded, university-based Institute (2003-2006).
GPU Consortium Members
Attracting an eclectic mix of public and private sector agencies, companies, institutes of higher education, and individuals, GPU has formed an alliance that brings seasoned talent from multiple sectors key to fulfilling international development goals and mitigating pressing disparities for underserved populations. The alliance evolves as new entities and individuals join our consortium to foster sustainable and scalable program development, outcomes, and evaluation.
GPU Senior Advisors
A senior advisory panel is in development to bring fresh perspectives from consumers of GPU's programs as well as from a wide range of professional domains. This group will grow and be integral to accomplishing our mission.
GPU Sponsors
We welcome GPU and GtRI sponsorship from agencies, companies, funders, and individuals who believe that 'the time is now' for innovation instrumental toward achieving sustainable, scalable programs in public health and healthcare, education, and rehabilitation-- at the core of poverty reduction and economic development.
GPU Careers
GPU currently seeks vision-driven interns and pro bono partners committed to accomplish our organizational goals. Staffing and organizational structure will evolve with project growth and diversification. We seek those who have global concerns to improve knowledge sharing and transfer north-to-south and south-to-south. We will seek tech wizards, health, education, and international development experts, and will list position availability when positions are identified. For current descriptions of internship positions, click below.
GPU Program Goals
GPU Program goals for capacity building include a continuous learning and facilitative process ensuring:
- Access to knowledge
- Storage of knowledge
- Dissemination of knowledge
- Facilitation of relevance to mission and purpose
- Design that is futuristic while considering present needs
Creating effective partnerships and virtual communities of practice improves global understanding, knowledge exchange, and mitigates ‘brain drain’ flow, fostering capacity building across geographic boundaries.