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GPU Mission and Programs

GlobalPartnersUnited (GPU) is a social enterprise consortium and a public-private alliance. (For a full discussion of social entrepreneurship as an innovative development strategy, see Stanford Social Innovation Review: Social Entrepreneurship Revisited and Ashoka.)
GPU focuses on blending cutting-edge ICT and on site learning and telepractices technologies with a wide-range of subject expertise in education, rehabilitation, and health for sustainable and scalable program design. With innovative approaches to mitigating barriers to access to experts and resources, GPU creates ongoing linkages to meet global capacity building challenges and enhance community-based ‘brain gain’ and mentoring for underserved regions and populations.
Through blended applications of 21st century learning and telepractice technologies, GPU optimizes program development and mentoring on a scale to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals and human rights treaties’ mandates. We focus on partnering in country to meet the needed and desired outcome resulting in education, health, (re)habilitation, and civil society systems strengthening globally.
The broad GPU goal is to build and provide access to Communities of Practice (CoPs), learning, leadership, and advocacy (To learn more, see Communities of Practice: A Brief Introduction).
GlobalPartnersUnited Roles and Services
For program planning and implementation, GPU’s roles and services may include a broad range of responsibilities for program and policy development as well as monitoring and evaluation. GPU's innovative strategies for meeting program requirements are designed to answer the question--
Why Capacity Building and Service Delivery through Web-based, Mobile and Blended Learning Program Development and Telepractices?
GPU Virtual Programs
GPU will create a variety of online and blended courses for use by Ministries, agencies, DPOs, NGOs and individuals with learning needs and desires to affect systems change and strengthening. In other projects, based on needs assessment with in country partners, GPU will apply staff’s extensive professional development, e-learning, instructional design experience, social media know-how, and networks of subject experts to optimize learning.
Creating and designing courses for credit and/or customized specialty certificate programs, on site, online and/or mobile delivery provides access to knowledge, experts and resources in real time--synchronously, and asynchronously -- anytime, anywhere that connectivity is established.
Think Tank
Offering expertise for capacity building and service delivery purposes raises concerns and questions about optimal fulfillment and prioritization of development goals and strategies. Taking time to contemplate program efficacy, pertinent cultural and political events, views of underserved and target populations through opinion pieces, reports, and ongoing dialogue serves to inform and shape our practices and growth. We'll engage GPU's audiences in these types of 'thought exchange' initiatives through a variety of communication vehicles and publish related offering when policy or program mandates encourage us to take action.
“We firmly believed the United States can better the lives of the world’s citizens and advance its own interests by investing strategically in global health—even at a time of global economic recession and exceptional domestic challenges.…we remain convinced not only of this statement’s veracity, but of its urgency. But truly remarkable gains for global health will only be achieved through a smart, long-term U.S. approach that harnesses all of America’s assets and expertise—in better partnerships with friends and allies.”From Report of the CSIS Commission. Smart global health policy:
A safer, healthier and more prosperous world.
© 2010 by the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
GPU Program Goals
GPU Program goals for capacity building include a continuous learning and facilitative process ensuring:
- Access to knowledge
- Storage of knowledge
- Dissemination of knowledge
- Facilitation of relevance to mission and purpose
- Design that is futuristic while considering present needs
Creating effective partnerships and virtual communities of practice improves global understanding, knowledge exchange, and mitigates ‘brain drain’ flow, fostering capacity building across geographic boundaries.
“Recognizing that the achievement of mainstreaming of disability at all levels remains a major challenge, .... further efforts are required to give practical meaning to the concept of mainstreaming and its realization in United Nations activities in the development agenda….”RESOLUTION: Mainstreaming disability in the development agenda;
Adopted by UN Commission on Social Development
(February 12, 2010)